TITLE: Tower of Babel EMAIL: talious@sprynet.com NAME: Matthew Corey Brown TOPIC: Great Engineering Achievments COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. WEBPAGE: http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/talious/gallery.htm JPGFILE: mcbbabel.jpg RENDERER USED: povray 3.01 for windows personal compile TOOLS USED: hf-lab, PSP RENDER TIME: 10 hours 10 minutes 6 seconds HARDWARE USED: Pentium Pro 180 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Well when i saw the Topic i knew what i was gonna do, A space elevator. Then I saw the topic page itself and was crushed to find out it was actuall achievments that was built not merely just designed. So i figured if the towel of babel was ever truely finished it would be a space staircase. So i went and made it. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Moon: My standard moon object, with an interpulated bump map.. maybe one day i'll really get rid of the crtors caused by the image map and make the crators a pure bump map. Mountians and "sand": just couple of mountains made with hf-lab. Rock Sign: Made as a diffrence of hieghtfields made with PSP and distorted with hf-lab Tower of Babel: a union of muliple unions of two superellipsoid translated. If you increase the difference of the step by 0.1 you'll see the bottom of the pieces and see that the tower is actually fairly hollow. It took longer then expected almost as long as a space elvator would have (shape only not the seprate textures)