===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Dino looks neat, but too far away and too dark. ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: great modeling. fantabulous sky. however, in my books marble textured animals are a no-no! (dino) as for the water, using bumps is often better than waves/ripples. next time i expect to see you as a winner, ok? ===== From stubbs@dundee.net: interesting assortment of objects and colors. Composition could stand a little more balance ===== From klynn@minn.net: Nice sky! ===== From falcompsx@earthlink.net: Awesome image, I love it... ===== From darb@rpgpics.simplenet.com: I like that sky -- a lot. ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: Beautiful sky! Good modelling and placement of objects. It seems somehow too dark, though...a lot of detail is lost. ===== From roymeo@eai.com: too candy colored ===== From djconnel@flash.net: Very nice concept, with a nice story behind it, but: * more varied use of texture would help a lot * the sky color needs some refinement, I think -- you have a striking use of color, but I can't tell if the sun is to the left or the right w/o looking at shadoes as a clue. ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: The light source should have been a reddish orange to match the light from the sky. Ambient light levels seem too high which make the image seem kind of flat. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: Intriguing and visually pleasing image. The noxious gas being sent out by the mollusc is difficult to discern as such due to the lighting. When I first viewed the image, before reading the text description, it appeared more as glowing portions of sand near the mollusc. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Maybe too ambitious overall. I could not decide if you meant this to be cartoonish and funny, or serious and realistic. The scene doesn't seem to "gel" for me. The sky is so dramatic, it's almost TOO dramatic. It's overwhelming. Also, the scale of objects seems to be wildly off: huge shells, tiny dinosaurs, and everything in between. My favorite part is the guy with eyes in the lower left corner.