===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Grass is quite realistic: many people don't get this right. ===== From d97ta@efd.lth.se: what does peace have to do with nature? i think it is more in the 'nature' of man to war :) nice flowers, but all the details seem clustered in the lower left corner. i would like to see them more evenly spread throughout the image. maybe some birds or a sun in the sky and a tree on the hill? ===== From marc_w@ncx.com: looks really good! ===== From karl@pemail.net: Nice the texture on the hills. Could perhaps do with a slightly more interesting sky, some clouds or a bird. Good ===== From buck@cs.byu.edu: I really like the texture on the hill and around the tree. The tree is quite nice too. Your sky is wonderful! The flowers seem pretty big in comparison with the tree, though. Also, the landscape seems pretty barren...some more trees would make a big difference. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Principiante? No lo parece! La escena esta muy bien, buena composicion, bien modelada, texturas realistas, iluminacion correcta,... solo puedo apreciar un ligero defecto, y es el tama¤o del arbol, que parece un poco peque¤o. Ademas, asi llenaria un poco mas las imagen. Buena suerte! ===== From djconnel@flash.net: Nice job! A few suggestions: * use a bit more use of lighting * use of a bare rock or rock+dirt texture on the "cliff" would be more interesting * The sky takes up a lot of the image, but is relatively uninteresting... either add more interesting clouds or change the persepective. * the water needs more transparancy -- it looks solid With a little work, this could be a really competitive image! ===== From fisher2@pobox.upenn.edu: Good first start. The vegitation is kind of sparce and clumped together in the bottom left side of the frame. Spread it out more and put a little more in. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Your signature, while small, was the very first thing I noticed in the image. It's the only eye-attracting item in the whole top half of the image. I think the camera needs to be tilted downwards just a bit. It is a peaceful scene. Good plants and flowers, especially the white ones in the lower left corner. ===== From no13@ozemail.com.au: Extra tech marks for that grass texture.