EMAIL: NAME: Mirko Sattler TOPIC: Nature COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Vulcano COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: ./. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray Version 3.02.watcom.win32 [Pentium optimized] TOOLS USED: SPatch 1.5, Blob Sculptor for Windows 1.0, ... RENDER TIME: 40 minutes 4 seconds [with Options : 800x600,AA 0.3 Sampling_Method=2 ] HARDWARE USED: AMD K6-233 with 64 MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Anywhere on the young earth, a new atoll is created... :-) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: [step by step] 1. Create the main plane with the WATER-Texture 2. Create a huge sphere (more an ellipsoid) withe the SKY-TEXTURE 3. Use WinBlob to create the lavalookinglike thing 4. Use Spatch to create a vulcanolookinglikething 5. Use fractal program to create a plasma picture TERRAIN.TGA 6. Use TERRAIN.TGA as a heighfield, adjust it under the plane 7. Put the Vulcano in the picture. 8. Use the lavalookingthing for both, the lava and the smoke [ :-) ] 9. Playing around a lot (!) of time to find the right orientation for the two blobs 10. Playing around a lot(!!) of time to find the right textures for lava and smoke 11. Place a (red) light before the sky and a (grey) one above 12. Waiting ...