===== From scooby@pld.com: I'm impressed with the polyhedra; however, I don't see the connection to topic. ===== From guilhem.christol@hol.fr: the topic is ELEMENTS !!! ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: I have nothing against multiple entries but please don't just repeat the same theme and objects in the future. Of the three, I like this one the best, because of the colors. The geometry is clever, but I think the shapes would look much better with more creative textures. The wood texture appears to be applied to the chest of drawers as a whole. Try texturing the pieces individually with some random scaling and rotation.. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: The further-back camera in this view de-emphasizes the polyhedra and puts more emphasis on the desk. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: I would have really liked to have seen an explanation as to how you perceived this to fit in with the topic of Elements. ===== From djconnel@flash.net: This scene needs a bit more work.... a few suggestions : * the woodgrain on the nicely modeled furnature should be more varied for different pieces of wood. * the texturing on everything else is too simple. * the view out the window needs more work. * There are clear JPEG artifacts... try different compression values. ===== From bill@apocalypse.org: I liked the other figures better and I still think the dress and window background is dull. ===== From 101741.541@compuserve.com: Very interesting geometrical work, but the way they are shown doesn't do justice to them. You could have opened some drawers, to put the stuff inside, maybe using that to show the contents of the 2 images in just one. The second image is quite redundant. And if you have a window in a scene, try to put some interesting visual content behind; would you live in a room with such a landscape outside ? Et puis, les menuisiers de chez Badel ne seraient pas tres heureux de voir la facon dont les textures de bois sont placees (attention a l'orien- tation du grain en fonction du sens des planches). Franchement, j'aime beaucoup ce genre d'experimentations geometriques, mais il est important de bien les mettre en valeur. (pas d'inquietude a avoir pour les soumissions multiples, je ne vote pas cette fois-ci... (et je ne les penalise jamais non plus)) ===== From r@dial-up46.webbernet.net: The modelling of the polyhedra is clever, but you do not establish a connection with the topic. The textures are much too flat and boring. The composition is just geometry. It doesn't really say anything. This comment by clem@dhol.com.