TITLE: Elemental Circle NAME: Alan.E.Brickett COUNTRY: South Africa EMAIL: brickett@iafrica.com WEBPAGE: http://users.iafrica.com/b/br/brickett/index.htm orwww.stwraith.home.ml.org TOPIC: Elements COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: seerec.jpg RENDERER USED: Povray for Windows TOOLS USED: Moray for windows RENDER TIME: 30 minutes more or less HARDWARE USED: Pentium 166-MMX, 4mbS3 Virge, 64Mb RAM. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The imageis ffrom an old symbol of the elemnts and how they interact, the four on the outside in order are: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. The middle is Self, divided into Light, Good, Evil, and Darkness. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I used stone texturesfor everything with some sparkle to the bakdrop. Subtractions and transsweeps.