===== From witoslaw@kki.net.pl: The idea is good but realisation a little worse. The iceberg is VERY strange. ===== From prizog@hotmail.com: 9/10 of an iceberg is underwater. But good for a first image. keep at it. ===== From jerry@hoboes.com: Nice job--did that iceberg in the foreground just fall in from overhead? it looks topheavy, and the waves are centered on it. It looks smooth, as if perhaps its melting--you might try adding some drops coming down (and perhaps also rippling the water as they fall in). ===== From Sean_Hamilton@amrcorp.com: I like the japanese feel the scene has, but if you hadn't told me there was seaweed in the water I would have thought the water was just green. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Everything is of low quality, looks like thrown together in a few minutes. ===== From amason@cs.uct.ac.za: I like this image, nice composition. right hand berg is a bit hard to see, but fine. waves look a bit unlikely for the sea. sea looks quite shallow. iceberg is a strange shape ;) ===== From justin@scpmcs.org: For a first image not bad at all. :) ===== From paul.flanzy@jouy.inra.fr: for a first picture it seems good . If you are learning povray just have a look on interior and media and have a lot of fun ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: The iceberg in the has far too smooth a surface (ever seen a real berg?) and a strange coloring. I'm not sure the effect that icebergs melt fastest at the sea surface would cause such a shape. More likely the overhanging parts would fall down becoming small icebergs themselves. ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: Best of the Iceberg images, but before reading it, I thought the seaweed were seals cavorting in the water... ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Original and certainly right-on-topic. Serene. Interesting not-quite-symmetrical technique. Good job! ===== From peter@table76.demon.co.uk: That's a lot better than my first IRTC entry. Blobs are good for asymmetric objects; you might want to look at those next.