===== From jerry@hoboes.com: Good use of heightfields for getting rough edges on your broken buildings. All in all very well done, the only thing I'd say its missing is, as you say, an atmosphere; even with the bubbles it doesn't really look like it is underwater. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: A much higher JPEG quality setting would have done the image a lot of good. Something is not quite right with the lighting. The high ambeint setting makes everything look very flat. Something is also wrong with the rowboat, one can see parts of it under and over sea level. Likewise the hammerhead shark's position is unclear. ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: Either that hammerhead has a broken, twisted neck, and it's got extra fins...the head seems to be in a different orientation than the body. ===== From Varyk@aol.com: Nice effect. Very convincing broken columns. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Intriguing, mysterious. Instead of an atmosphere, try using fog which is much quicker to render. You might want to lighten up on the JPEG compression to avoid the artifacts. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Interesting image. Good modeling, texturing, composition. Concept Needed a bit of support from the text file, but nice even so.