TITLE: Fountain of the Mages NAME: Christof Joswig COUNTRY: Germany EMAIL:martinh@inpetho.de WEBPAGE:- TOPIC: Water COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT JPGFILE: cjfount.jpg ZIPFILE: cjfount.zip RENDERER USED: POVRay 3.01 for Win95 TOOLS USED: PSP 5, Moray for Win RENDER TIME: about 5 days HARDWARE USED: Pentium 100 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A nice female magician statue stays on the fountain. This is the focus in the scene. On the left side in the pic, there swim two little yellow fish. In front of the scene a mosquito sits on the wall. Beyond the fontain there is a tree and a bush. The background consists of a fog that insulate two similar lacs, a firework and a hill. Please use a high contrast and brightness to view this image, because the scene is dark. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First I created the fountain with the while directive and the ior in the middle with Moray, then the water. It followed the woman and clothes(women is the demobabe from PovCD;Clothes modelled after a pic that I saw). After this section comes ground with lakes. (lake a difference between plane and sphere and a watertextured plane that is under the first plane).Then I used galaxy and particle plugin to make the image better. The sky is a plane with a transparent T_Cloud texture and the soften hill in the background is a bicubic patch created with Moray. The firework is from a other scene, but I don't know from which scene it is. And the tree and bush is from a plugin too. Special thankz to my PovTeacher: Thomas Schmidt (www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/bitmap/71/index.html) Check this Page out there are many Pov animations. and special thankz to "M" rendering the final lines and uploading my image & code