===== From spanky@wpi.edu: Hey Glenn, thanks for the help with the media :) Just wait till next round(can you say 120 hour render time) :) I like how your atmosphere has that thin look that most atmospheres have on a dry clear day after the sun has gone down. You can tell it has a dusty atmosphere, and it matches the terrain color and feel well. How many different test renders did you do on those rings before you were satisfied? I did some similar ring systems once, and I rotated those things about a million times before I was happy. Honestly, you did a great job here on the terrain and atmosphere. I really think what kills the scene is the laser beams and the ship. Is there a huge spotlight shining on the right hand side of the ship? It would seem way to bright for a sun that was setting or had already done so. The modeling is good, the scale just seems too large. I wish I had a reference of some sort to tell me how large that ship is. For all I can tell, it is a futuristic one man mini sub temporarily flying. Good job overall, scale issues(although if that's what was in the book...). Regards JDS ===== From denny1@home.com: Nice description! It makes the world more believeable, not just eye candy. I like the understated little docking facility for the dreadnaught in the foreground of the image. It brings the size of the thing into perspective. The rings are well done, though from this close I would expect them to appear a bit more "lumpy", more translucent in places where the ice field is thin. Then again, maybe the rings on this world aren't made of ice and rock. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Pretty good lighting although a bit too dark. It is a pretty good night scene. I especially like the fence (or what looks like a huge fence) and the planet rings, well really the whole scene. I think the red beams or whatever they are would have been nicer with more/finer anti-aliasing. ===== From shipbrk@gate.net: Nice modelling work. ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: A very interesting image , nice composition and color .It floats somewhere between real and abstract , an image from a dream . The water being higher than the horizon adds to the air of mystery . Very good . ===== From gshaw@monotix.co.za: I like it. One problem is that there is no idea of scale. Is the fence 1m or 10. Some form of size reference would be nice. Rings a little too solid. Overall though it's good. ===== From mar@physics.usyd.edu.au: Artistically very strong and well executed. Only criticism I have is the grey flatness of the rings - a bit of subtle colour and light interaction would help enormously. ===== From jull43@ij.net: This is really nothing.