===== From spanky@wpi.edu: This is a seriously cool image. I wish you had spent more time on getting some better texturing, because your rocket man is a little drab. He rocks, don't get me wrong, he just is a little dull in the color/texture department. I gave this scene some pretty high marks, the bucket on the head is a real clincher! ===== From denny1@home.com: Ohh, I like it. A model of the imagination creating the world, rather than the world itself. The sign is great, especially the extra dab of paint under the "D" from an eager finger painter. The tree bark isn't quite right, looks more like wool to me. ===== From manorton@jps.net: Very nice ===== From Nathan@Kopp.com: now this is a fun image! I love the concept. The image seems a bit flat, all of the items a bit too perfect... a very computer-generated 'feel'. but I really like it. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Well, it is really a story pulled by the hairs as French people would say, meaning it has little sense unless we really try very hard to see how we can make the story look good by forgetting some nasty details. My opinion only. Still you have imagination, so why not give a middle of the road mark. Technically it looks pretty good to do all of that by hand, BUT ! Why use 180 degrees rotation to do the second arm ? You'll probably be happy to hear there is much easier and better : do a mirror of your first model, I mean scale the copy by 1 in the up/down and forward/backward direction and scale it by -1 in the left/right direction. That way you retain the left/right handedness for both the original and the copy. ===== From shipbrk@gate.net: Good wood textures, GREAT modelling on the gloves, sleeves and towel. ===== From grimmg@hotmail.com: very good idea ! funny ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: This must be from your childhood friend’s back yard. I recognize your house from the ice cream truck image. I think the towel texture works very well. High marks for concept. ===== From houston.graphics@iname.com: Nice idea, I wish I'd thought of it :). ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Good lighting. A bit soft, yes, but only a bit. :) Nice concept. ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: A cute image of overlapping worlds , real and imaginary . Well done but perhaps too ambitious to be a complete success .Nevertheless well done . ===== From gshaw@monotix.co.za: Brings back memories .Very well done. ===== From MMandl@aol.com: Inspite of the flaws which you pointed out, I liked it. ===== From mar@physics.usyd.edu.au: Very very cool. Great idea, one of the best for this round, and very well executed. Good grass, real looking house. The irregularities in the fence palings are a nice touch. Dandelions in the grass would have helped, yes, but this is a great image regardless. ===== From jull43@ij.net: cartoonish ===== From r@ nice hairstyle!