EMAIL: NAME: John Higgins TOPIC: Imaginary Worlds COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Dawning Light COUNTRY: New Zealand WEBPAGE: None. RENDERER USED: Povray 3.1 TOOLS USED: Moray 3.1, PSP to convert it to JPEG RENDER TIME: About 30 minutes (I closed Povray before realizing I needed to know, sorry) HARDWARE USED: P75 (ocl'ed to P100, 1mb video card (Which is why there are less colours shown than their could be I think.. not sure :o) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Dawn on a small farm/cottage, I liked this idea, since it seemed quite nice and peaceful. (this is why the animals aren't visible, since they're sleeping, not because of my lack of skill, uh huh *wink*) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The 'sun' is a camera affect from Moray. The ground and hill are all beizitzer (sp?) patches and were manipulated by hand, there are two layers of ground and hills, one is a green grassy type of texture, the other is a yellowy dead grass texture, both were found in the Moray texture library. The animal pens are just wooden textures which also came with Moray, the water is yet anothter texture, it's just a cube which is higher than the dip in the ground, if anyone was wondering.. The cottage itself has a roof made of around 200 cylanders (thought this isn't very visible in the image..) since I wanted to give it a 'thatch' look, the house is holow, to that light can go through the windows.. (Sorry if this is a bit long, I wasn't sure how much detail was wanted/needed)