===== From denny1@home.com: Ooh, I like it! The dents in the bottom of the table are great, makes it look more realistic the typical perfect model. The stucco texture for the back wall also looks very good. Doesn't the wire support running from the bow to the rear mast intersect the fore mast? The carved section of wood at the stern is fantastic. ===== From xtmb@solutions.fi: Wow. Amazing. But it looks like that pipe is floating a bit. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: First of all you advertise a post filter but you should know this is not allowed. I myself had to change the display gamma from 1.8 (my usual setting) to 3.5 !!! That's how dark the image appeared on my screen : almost plain black. Take for instance the [fortress.jpg] submission to this very competition, turn down the brightness of your screen to see an acceptable image, please leave the brightness there when you create your images - I would bet either your software corrects the brightness and you have no control other that, or you are going to damage your eyes with your screen settings. Only my analysis for what it's worth. I'm unable to judge the technical merit there, as 3dsmax seams to allow things to be easily created, and I do not know how much is your doing and how much is borrowed. It looks pretty cool anyway. ===== From shipbrk@gate.net: Very nice textures, great ship model. ===== From caleb@chemeng.uct.ac.za: Exquisite. If this doesn't get a place then there is something wrong with the voting system! ===== From rguillard@claranet.fr: Modeler's dream.. yes indeed. But a raytracer's dream as well ! ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: A nice image, very Disney . Detail and lighting very good. ===== From mar@physics.usyd.edu.au: A really beautiful image. I'd have been tempted to add village lights out on the hillside outside the window, but I don't know if that'd detract from the central focus. I would like to see some sails on the ship... but it's a great looking ship. Very nice. ===== From jull43@ij.net: I like this one a lot. ===== From r@ very appropriate! Notable for modelling, originality