===== From nijman@nmtrix.com: Use a better camera angle so you can see the door opening and the hand reaching out. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: OK concept, but followthrough fails a bit in that it is not obvious that hand is coming "out of book." ===== From mar@physics.usyd.edu.au: Nice image... the "ghost" looks great, even if it was an accident! ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: Like it. Reminds me of the intro to that old speilberg tv show with the books flapping around like birds. Those are some pretty deeply embossed pages. The marbling on the edges of the pages should have been a little lighter to distinguishe them better from the book cover, a different base color, perhaps. ===== From mriser@datacomm.ch: Good lightening. ===== From MMandl@aol.com: The image is cool, but it needs to have a setting to make it complete.I really wanted to give a higher score on artistic merit. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Very good use of colored light sources. ===== From autumn@sinbad.net: Very nice image. But lacks something to be considered a complete scene. Even something as simple as a table-top and a spotlight from a desk lamp. ===== From jull43@ij.net: Yes, that is what I said I thought would be better the last time. ===== From sdevet@istar.ca: The ghost looks very nice, but the appearance of three dimensionality is not there. It could just be a picture, except for some oft he fog. If you had changed the angle of the book, to SHOW the hand reaching out of the pages, the effect would have been heightened. ===== From file: Predictable, but looks good.