===== From nijman@nmtrix.com: Nice idea badly realised ===== From ct@westmarch.com: it reminds me of seraut the dot guy ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: HA! keeping UP with the Joneses! The only thin I think it needed was some dangly bits under the house, pipes, wires, roots, etc...that must be some suburb, though, composed of 50 room mansions...that's a LOT of windows! ===== From dewhurst@physnet.phys.wits.ac.za: Nice idea nicely done. There are several tools available (l-parser for one) for generating realistic trees. In this case I think it would have been better to have left it out all together; or reduced it to a discrete shrubbery. ===== From MMandl@aol.com: Wher is the teddy bear? Did he sell the house and make tons of money? I hope so.Maybe he retired and went to some landmark site.Hint, hint. Thanks ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Too bad the perspective illusion is really difficult to comprehend, perhaps because of the arrangement of the surrounding houses. ===== From clem@dhol.com: Interesting pun. You get a lot of mileage out of those crandy looking textures, don't you? The tree is pretty, if unrealistic. I wouldn't like to be their plumber. ===== From sdevet@istar.ca: A very nice idea! The houses look good, but the floating dirt is not obvious. It took me a number of viewings to see what was actually going on. Textures seem a little grainy. ===== From file: Interesting.