===== From grimmg@hotmail.com: 1 second. Have you a cray for me !!! the sipmlicity if this scene is his beauty. Why did'nt I thought about it ?? ===== From uwezi@geocities.com: when I saw the posting in the POVRay newsgroup I had doubts if it would work out - but yes it did! Just an idea for further improvement(?): how about the shadow of an airplane.. ===== From scarmig@ohmss.com: Very well done and a unique landmark to try and model. I'm not even going to ask where you got a Cray 3 from but it's not fair! ===== From rbenjam2@tampabay.rr.com: I wish I had a Cray 3. ===== From curtis_cooper@hotmail.com: 1 second render time? that's pretty unbelievable, I think you have the wrong round. ===== From ct@westmarch.com: Very nice, Its a little small looking, its aparent scale makes it look like a side walk, a cloud's shadow or a house might have fixed that ever so minor problem. other than that I think it turn out great, in fact its one of the most concept original images I'v seen in this round. ===== From tglover@nettally.com: Wow - inspiring! Simple yet powerful. Good layout, good lighting, good subject. Did you try it with even more oblique lighting? I see by the human figures that the lighting is already fairly oblique, but even stronger shadows might emphasize the condor better. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: ? I'm not sure what to think. Yes, a landmark. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Rendered on a Cray?! No fair! (just kidding). Subtle and impressive. ===== From mark.wagner17@gte.net: What computer did you really use to render this? ===== From martialrameaux@multimania.com: Very good work and artistic reflection ! Thanks for this ! ;-) Martial ===== From joergnick@aol.com: Really only 1 sec of rendering time? But what I'm wondering its a CRAY. Nice concept and camera angle. ===== From clem@dhol.com: The humans add needed scale. Good move. The intensely monochrome nature of the image bothers me a bit, but i guess it fits the image. I like the choice of subject and I'm glad you resisted any temptation you may have felt to complicate the image with Danikenite additions. ===== From mar@physics.usyd.edu.au: Good concept, which I'm actually surprised not to have seen more versions of in this round. Nicely rendered, and the people really give an appropriate sense of scale. What I really want is your Cray 3 so I can render stuff in 1 second too! ===== From file: Notable for originality, textures, composition