TITLE: Big Ben NAME: Curtis COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: curtis_cooper@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: http://members.tripod.com/coop_84/thisgif.html TOPIC: Landmark COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Pov-Ray TOOLS USED: The Gimp for conversion and image map RENDER TIME: 20 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium MMX IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Big Ben is in London, England, I think. But anyways this is a close up of the famous clock/tower/great big giant thing. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This is not what I thought this picture would look like, trust me, but I ran completely out of time, I didn't even start this until the beginning of August because my original idea was Osaka Castle in Japan, which didn't turn out too well (note: I might continue this project and put the picture on my site, but right now with the hardware I have, it just isn't possible). But back to this one, it's completely Pov-Ray CSG. No texture maps, the only image map is in the center of the clock, it's a mosaic of absolutely nothing, the only way I could find to make it look the way it was supposed to. But it should have been better, I'll admit that. The sky looks pretty cool though, eh? Well, maybe next round.