TITLE: Blue Fireplug NAME: Mark Wagner COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: mark.wagner17@gte.net WEBPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Program/9231 TOPIC: Landmarks COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: UVPov 5.2 TOOLS USED: 3DS2POV RENDER TIME: 10h 49m 46s HARDWARE USED: 400MHz AMD-K6-2 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: We humans are visual animals -- we depend on sight more than any other sense. As such, our landmarks are primarily objects that visually stand out from the background. Size is one way in which something can stand out and thus be considered a landmark. The Pyramids, the Empire State Building, and Mount Everest are all considered landmarks because of this. Another way for something to stand out is for it to be visually unusual. Such objects include things like Chimney Rock, Delicate Arch, or even an oil pump in the middle of a cornfield. Dogs, on the other hand, depend on smell more than other senses. As a result, they have a different idea of what makes a landmark... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This image was created mainly using the POV-Ray for Windows editor. The fire hydrant, street, house, and just about everything except the grass was created using CSG. The fire hydrant was modeled on the one in front of my house, and the blue texture was "spraypainted" on over the base red paint. The woodgrain texture on the walls of the house was created by averaging a "wood" normal and a "wrinkles" normal. The sidewalk and curb were created using superellipsoids to get the rounded corners. The grass is a small triangle mesh copied as many times as needed to create the lawn. The lawnmower tracks are a layered texture on top of the jade texture used for the grass. Credits: The dog was converted from a 3D Studio mesh found on the Web, and the flowers are based on those in Derek Owens's Plants Include Files. The dog's leash was created using Chris Colefax's Link Include File. The high rendering time is due to the level of antialiasing used. Without antialiasing, the scene renders in just under one hour. This scene can also be rendered using the POV-Ray SuperPatch.