TITLE: Phare Celeste NAME: Geoffroy GRIMM COUNTRY: France EMAIL: grimmg@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: http://www.ifrance.com/advl/abn/grimm/index.htm TOPIC: Landmarks COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Truespace TOOLS USED: Trusepace 3, paintshop pro 5, Awb 1 RENDER TIME: 10 min HARDWARE USED: K6 200 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This represents a lighthouse atop a riff near the sea. And alone on the grass an old astronomic site, old rocks, a dolmen when I saw the topic and thought immediatly to do a lighthouse but i wanted something more... original and thought of the contrast between a modern symbol of the lighthouse, a light in the dark and foggy night and the use of the stars to situate yourself in the univers...Different Landmarks for the same aim, to situate ourself in the world. First i wanted to put the lighthouse on a rock in the sea and in the background the coast. But i changed my mind and wanted to put the dolmen. So... DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: It's the first time I use Animatek World Builder. before awb i used vistapro and i tried bryce (but too long to render) and awb give me all i wanted. It's very easy to use. You put a line and it give you a landscape. very good ! But i don't use it very well for now ... This scene was difficult to do. I took me many times to make the landscape exactly as i wanted. I don't like the final render. We don't see enough the grass land and the landscape is not enough...wide? (profondeur de champs). Next time