E-MAIL : nijman@nmtrix.com NAME : Michael Visser TOPIC : Landmarks COPYRIGHT : I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE : TRIANGLEZ COUNTRY : The Netherlands WEBPAGE : www.nmtrix.com/michael RENDERER USED : 3D Studio Max default renderer RENDER TIME : 7.03 minutes HARDWARE USED : Dual Pentium II 333 IMAGE DESCRIPTION : Trianglez, the piramids of central America DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED : The scene was entirely built in 3DstudioMax, even the landscape and trees. The leaves are done by facetexturing an opacity map so the sides of the leaves are softened making the scene more realistic. The background image is mixed with a masked sun, so the sun can be set anywhere on screen. the sun was softened by a fadin Lens Effect Flare rendered in Video post.