===== From elvish_archer@mailcity.com: funny dolphins, u must add water splashing and reflection on the dolphin's wet skin ===== From darwallace@earthlink.net: Problem 1: Insufficient variety of objects. Problem 2: Dolphin texture is unrealistic for a commercial package product. I expected a white underbelly. ===== From pbourke@swin.edu.au: Didn't like this at all although the sea did look better after a while. No breaks in the water around the dolphins, weird dolphin heads. ===== From panthus@xtra.co.nz: The dolphin's need shinier bodies and eyes, nice composition. ===== From dvnss@mega.ist.utl.pt: They look rocks getting out of sand. Good effort though ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice image but the dolphins needed water dripping off them and they would create some kind of a wake as they come out of the water. ===== From douge@nls.net: The composition is good. The water needs work, as do the dolphins. ===== From tony@j4tb.com: The dolphins look sort of plastic a little texture and smoothing work would help. Your water though nice is out of context with the picture. A little less glare on the water would help. This image has good potential. Keep up the good work. ===== From whhale@nvl.army.mil: Not enough detail. THere should be water disturbance around the dolphins and the dolphins need a lot more detail. ===== From bbowen@cswnet.com: The lighting is great, as is the water, but the dolphins texture needs a lot of work. Adding some 'splash' around them on the water surface would enhance the photorealistic quality. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Strange looking dolphins, are they ? I like the shooting angle, it gives the image movement. ===== From soulmates@gci.net: You have a good basis for an image here. It suffer somewhat from a few things. The dolphins are not wet, giving one the impression they've been frozen in place for some time. The lack of splash and/or surface purturbance around the dolphins also reinforces that impression. You did a great job lofting the dolphin shape. But you didn't seem to put in any variation between the three dolphins, making them look like cookie-cutter copies of each other. Hope these comments help. ===== From husakm@vscht.cz: looking non realistic. Too simple models ... ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: Nice image, but the dolphis all look the same, and the water appears to be a repeating tile pattern which detracts from the realism considerably. There seems to be something missing, something to make the image tell a story or a twist of some sort. ===== From went@netcourrier.com: You should have add drops. ===== From delfeld@mailcity.com: Surprisingly interesting picture. The theme is not much to consider - dolphins jumping; but you did pick a compositionally good angle to render. Great object placement - I hope it wasn't accidental! ===== From file: The simplicity of the scene is pretty effective. However, I would like some variation between the dolphins. The lack of water interaction makes them look rather like statues, as well.