===== From elvish_archer@mailcity.com: I think u have a quiet great proportion but u must add fog for dept feeling and the color of the ocean need a little darker ===== From dvnss@mega.ist.utl.pt: That's a too blueish see... ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice concept. The whales needed a bit of dirt and bump map to make them looke like they were not created from some plastic form. ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Yeah it's nice but the water is definitely much too blue. Agai some distant and slight fog for the horizon might help. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Not bad... the raft and figures look pretty good. The sea seems VERY blue. The whales aren't bad but could look better with some work. The water from the whale's blowhole is a nice touch. ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: A good first entry, but the textures need a lot of work. Hope to see more of your work in future rounds. ===== From delfeld@mailcity.com: Looks like a good start. Keep thinking of other ways to make the objects. . . not because they are bad, but, rather, that is the technical side of things.