===== From darwallace@earthlink.net: Add some dead fish and you have a real winner. ===== From pbourke@swin.edu.au: The oil is believable, the ship doesn't seem to sit in the water correctly. NIce cloud! ===== From wagner-michael@web.de: That's a good pic. Unfortunately, it's very realistic (what's concerning the oil spill). ===== From dvnss@mega.ist.utl.pt: Yes, remember so it won't happen again!! Protect the Oceans ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Well done. I really like the texture on the hull of the ship. ===== From douge@nls.net: Ah, yes, the Exxon Valdez... we really need more drunken boaters carting toxic materials around (kidding!). The boat looks great, BTW, nice job with the texturing. ===== From tony@j4tb.com: Your oil tanker looks great. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Absolutely perfect except for the ducks: made out of glass? ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: Sad but a very good interpretation of the theme. A very well done picture. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Good concept. The top of the ship has a nice detailed look to it, although the hull seems somewhat flat and one-dimensional. The sky has a nice layered look and uses color well. The gulls are well-shaped but the texturing makes them look more like silver statues than oil-covered gulls. ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: This is a great image. I like the birds look kind of ghostly and transparent. The model of the tanker looks very detailed, your really should have included the source (we'd understand what the objects were by the code rathere than the variable names etc). A well laid out image. ===== From delfeld@mailcity.com: The textures and ship are excellent. I don't the iridescence came through in the final image very well. The ship's size is ambiguous, or seems quite small compared to the birds. Maybe another object closer to the hull could show it better. I was also a little confused as to where the oil was leaking from, as well as why the side of the ship doesn't have more light on it. This seems like a good start. ===== From file: I like the ship's skin, it's so real Notable for textures ===== From file: Good statement! Notable for originality