===== From dvnss@mega.ist.utl.pt: Except for the blue, is nice... ===== From tony@j4tb.com: Your color shading doesn't come across as being real water I would have made the water a little bluer some texutre, vegetation or shells would help enhance the sea floor a bit. Add a some fog or the top of the water that would help convey the feel of water. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Not much here to comment on. The figure looks nice, if a bit rough in spots. This looks more like the beginning of a promising scene than a scene in and of itself. Could look good if it were more developed (the scene, that is, not the woman!) ===== From sjlen@ndirect.co.uk: The textures need a lot of work. The atmosphere looks wrong, you wouldn't be able to see the horizon like that. It needs something in there to help the story along, maybe even just a scarf wrapped tightly round her neck to make it look asthough she's been strangled or something. You need sea weed maybe the hull of a boat, just things to set the scene and tell the story. ===== From delfeld@mailcity.com: I think that you need to get l**d, and stop screwing around with pixels.