EMAIL: NAME: Gerald P. Singelmann TOPIC: The Sea COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Corbiere COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Raydream Studio 5.02 TOOLS USED: Raydream Studio 5.02 + 4Elements (for the sky and rock); Adobe Photohop 5.5 RENDER TIME: <10 min HARDWARE USED: Apple Macintosh G4 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I recently spent holidays on jersey were I was impressed by the beautiful Corbiere Lighthouse. my creation somehow resembles it although not closely. another thing I have been increasingly interested in over the last few months is the surface of water. tricky thing as all of you know. this image is some experiment for water in the distance (see below) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The sky and the rock are simple appilcations of the excellent pluigin-collection "4Elements" for Raydream. the colour and bump map for the rock is a 512x512 image created with an action of the photoshop package (see under "goodies/photoshop only/actions/textures"): rusted metal. very nice texture tricks in there. the lighthouse itself are just sone spline objects and two cylinders for the top (where the light sits). some work went into the colour-, bump and transparency maps for this. the portion of the water was originally planned to be larger so i put some work into trying to figure out a way to make it look good (stop me if somebody before me used this way): start out with an empty image in photoshop. apply the cloud filter. autolevel. solarize. what you get is something like veins just like the ridges of waves. if you create several of these images with increasing numbers of "solarize"-application you get smaller wave-ridges that you can combine by adding the images. the smaller the wave, the darker it must be. i've included my resulting bumbmap (water.jpg)