===== From : I actually like that lampshade. I have POV-Ray and would use CSG for the most of it and a parametric surface for the lampshade frame. ===== From jhiggins@webone.com.au: It looks like your hard work on the lamp paid off, it's nice centerpiece for this scene. I still like Ferraris though :-) ===== From batronyx@cadronhsa.com: Well done. Good application of lighting. One of the better RayDream pics I've seen. ===== From d_chappell_link@hotmail.com: Great image. ===== From johnson@pharmacy.arizona.edu: Very nice image, one of the best this time. The Ferarri print is somewhat jarring, though, it doesn't fit in somehow... ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Nice modelling on all of the objects, especially the lamp. Good concept. The pillow on the right looks rather oddly-shaped, though, and the smoke seems a little thick to be coming from a single cigarette. The glass and the keys are also nice. ===== From mwsny001@mweb.co.za: Beautiful! The lamp is exceptional! ===== From tom@tomandlu.co.uk: The lamp is excellent, but on the whole lacks focus. ===== From jrcsurvey@aol.com: A lot of very nice detail ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: Interesting idea and well done, only the string with the cross looks mechanically instable. ===== From youknow@ucan.foad.org: The lamp is extremely well done, and it was the first thing I really focussed on in the image. From there my eyes wandered around the nightstand and the objects on it. Slowly, I got the idea. I do think that the image suggests the husband is the materialist, as the right side of the night-stand contains what looks like a wallet I'd expect to find in a man's pocket; possibly a slightly more neutral object in its place would serve better for a gender-neutral message? There is something decidedly wrong with the pillow on the right; the shape is off and it looks like it's floating. The rosary appears to be broken in places. Otherwise,the individual items are very well made. ===== From albiaprime@aol.com: A very good job on all aspects of this scene. I think your lampshade turned out very well! ===== From delfeld@mailcity.com: Epistemology: It is very easy to tell which is the man and which is the woman - if all the symbols are supposed to be direct representations of ideals, then the Ferrari and wallet have to be male, and roasries are definitely feminine, as symbols. Do the symbols define the non-exsitent people, or do the people define the symbols? That is not clear in the image. Axiology: There is no significant difference between loving Ferrari's and loving god in that way. Both are handed to you and told to you that you should like it. Is this real worship? Ontology: How are we supposed to find a communion with a god if we do not stand apart from symbols? ===== From file: Notable for composition, originality, textures, modelling ===== From file: Notable for lighting, composition, originality, textures, modelling ===== From file: Notable for lighting, composition, originality, textures, modelling ===== From file: Nice on the detail Notable for textures, modelling, lighting, composition