TITLE: Boof EMAIL: ghlich@hotmail.com NAME: Hassan Ghlichkhani COUNTRY: Iran TOPIC: Fortress COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: boof.jpg RENDERER USED: Autodesk Autocad R14* TOOLS USED: Micorosoft Windows 95 Pbrush, Adobe Photosop 5.0* RENDER TIME: Gross: 6 hours, Net: 15 minutes HARDWARE USED: 133mhz Pentium 16mb Ram IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I see in things like it something unreachable. You cannot choose either fear or admire or study or amaze or else as you name it. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The eye balls are drilled spheres, materials yellow matte and gray blue color; the pupils are extrudes, materials black matte; the eyelids are extrudes along path, materials gold 2; the nose is filleted pyramid, color red; the head is void, Autocad background color black; the background is extrude, material tile white. Two white spotlights are used for background, two yellow (40) spotlight for the face. Framed and underwritten in Pbrush.* Converted to Jpeg by Photoshop.* Hassan Ghlichkhani *Autocad, Windows and Photoshop are registered trademarks.