TITLE: Bioengineering NAME: Marlo Steed COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: marlo.steed@home.com WEBPAGE: http://www.edu.uleth.ca/faculty/members/steed/Gallery/Gate.html TOPIC: Insects and Spiders COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Strata Studio Pro 3.03 Radiosity TOOLS USED: Strata Studio Pro 3.03 RENDER TIME: left over night not sure but at least 3 hours HARDWARE USED: G4 dual 450 - 320 Mg IMAGE DESCRIPTION: I hadn't intended to enter anything this round. This was more the result of serendipity more than anything. This started out as an experiment in radiosity and to illustrate the notion of bioengineering. I then had created the bug and was curious about what it would look like. The result is rather interesting so I thought others might think so too. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This was an experiment in indirect lighting using radiosity rending. I have three spot lights reflecting off a ceiling. I then placed a spot light illuminating the hall ways and a group of point lights clustered around the laterns.