TITLE: Buggy, buggy NAME: Txemi Jendrix COUNTRY: Bilbao, Spain EMAIL: tji@euskalnet.net WEBPAGE: http://home.dencity.com/tji TOPIC: Insects and Spiders COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: tjibugs.jpg ZIPFILE: tjibugs.zip RENDERER USED: Pov-Ray 3.1g TOOLS USED: Hamapatch, Moray 3.3, PovRay editor & The Gimp. RENDER TIME: Time For Parse: 0 hours 21 minutes 26.0 seconds Time For Trace: 1 hours 40 minutes 44.0 seconds Total Time: 2 hours 2 minutes 6.0 seconds HARDWARE USED: AMD Athlon 600 Mhz with 128Mb Ram. IMAGE DESCRIPTION: La version en castellano esta despues de esta en ingles. Sometimes there's a bug in your software (isn't it so, Bill?), and then a program or your computer crashes. But what will happen if the computer fight 'em back?. Well, probably the only way to free from them is to throw them up. That's what is happening here. The computer is vomiting all the bugs, but the fate of a bug is to get another victim to keep itself alive, so watch out, maybe the one that is glued to your screen will get its goal. And the others will follow it for sure. I hope you like it (don't be frightened, it's just an image, but... may happen to you?... Bill?...;). DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE IMAGE WAS CREATED: The scene was composed as follows: Almost everything was modelled with hamapatch ( http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6625/soft10.html ), except for the pen (it's an old model),the door's handcuff, the wall and the table that are simply CSG objects made in Moray ( http://www.stmuc.com/moray ). I exported all to Moray, directly from hamapatch. In Moray I planned the scene, using the toybug made in hamapatch with a lot of referenced copies of it. The process was very slow because of the number of patches it's made of. So I made an object called tester (2 spheres and 1 cylinder) to do the job of placement the bugs. There are 37 bugs in this scene all placed by hand. Later,in povray editor, I changed the tester reference with the bug reference, and voila! The monitor screen has been made also with hamapatch, and the effect is actually created by the screen object and a copy of it slightly translated a bit backwards. The back one uses the texture that you can see in the eyes of the screen's face, and the front one uses a modified version of the pen texture with transparent parts and media. The image maps (the can, the mouse, the monitor logo and letters and the wall) were made with the Gimp ( http://www.gimp.org ). The lightning is made with one pointlight. It has been rendered using antialiasing (0.1). I finally used The Gimp to add a little contrast, convert from png to jpg and to add the title and my signature. Everything is inside the zip file That's all, folks. Txemi Jendrix Inspiriens 2001 DESCRIPCION DE LA IMAGEN: A veces hay un bug en tu software (no es as_, Bill?), y entonces un programa o tu ordenador se cuelga. Pero que ocurriria si el ordenador contratacara. Bueno, probablemente la unica forma de librarse de ellos sea vomitarlos. Eso es lo que ocurre aqui. El ordenador esta vomitando a todos los bugs, pero el sino de un bug es conseguir otra victima para mantenerse vivo, asi que ten cuidado, quiza ese que esta pegado a tu pantalla pueda alcanzar su meta. Y los demas le seguiran seguro. Espero que os guste (no os asusteis, es solo una imagen, pero... puede ocurrirte a ti?... Bill?...;) DESCRIPCION DE COMO FUE CREADA LA IMAGEN: La escena se compuso como sigue: Casi todo esta modelado con Hamapatch ( http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/6625/soft10.html ), excepto la pluma (es un modelo antiguo), la manilla de la puerta, la pared y la mesa que son objetos CSG creados con Moray ( http://www.stmuc.com/moray ). Exporte todo a Moray directamente desde Hamapatch. En Moray pantee la escena, utilizado el bug de juguete hecho en Hamapatch con un monton de referencias copiadas de el. El proceso era bastante lento por la cantidad de patches de los que esta hecho. Asi que hice un objeto llamado tester (2 esferas y un cilindro) para realizar el trabajo de colocar a los bugs. Hay 37 bugs en la escena todos colocados a mano. Despues en el editor de povray cambie la referencia tester por la referencia bug, y voila! La pantalla del monitor ha sido realizada con Hamapatch, y el efecto esta realmente creado por el objeto pantalla y una copia del mismo, ligeramente trasladada hacia atras. El objeto de atras usa la textura que puedes ver en los ojos del rostro de la pantalla, y el del frente usa una version modificada de la textura de la pluma con partes transparentes y media. Los mapas de imagen (la lata, el raton, el logo y las letras del monitor y la pared) fueron realizados con The Gimp ( http://www.gimp.org ). La iluminacion esta hecha con una pointlight. Se ha rederizado utilizando antialiasing (0.1) Finalmente he utilizado The Gimp para aumentar el contraste, convertir de png a jpg y aniadir el titulo y la firma. Todo esta dentro del archivo zip. Eso es todo amigos. Txemi Jendrix inspiriens 2001