TITLE: gruta NAME: Javier Benavent Llin COUNTRY: Carcaixent, Valencia, Espa_a EMAIL: jbenavent@grefusa.com TOPIC: Fantasy and Mystic COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STARDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION JPGFILE: gruta.jpg ZIPFILE: gruta.zip RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows ((C) POV-Team) TOOLS USED: SPATCH SPLINE RENDERER TIME: 3 horas 39 minutos 15 segundos HARDWARE USED: K7 1.200, 256MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: In the far away see of loneliness there is an archipelagos of Tusk, this is a bunch of little and large islands were no animal life nor plant life exist. Sharp cliffs make quite impossible sailing activities even to the best trained and experiences sailor. In the very center of such archipelago, were waters remain calm, there is Perpetua Island. On it, and surrounded by mountains roughly accessible one can see two solid and sober towers that belong to the "Library of the 7 spheres", a place were any prestigious magician peregrines eventually. The scene represents a sight of Perpetua Island, were we can see the only way that leads to the library and behind the rocky mountains the two mentioned towers appear in the back of the drawing. We can observe on the left a magician of the Parkas clan, walking ahead _ this must be a very prestigious magician- only himself knows how he might have gotten to such place. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The island is basically composed by to elevated fields that overlap, one of them is a fractal and the other is drawn by hand (with the mouse). I have taken away several parts to give it an even odder look. Construction of the towers is quite simple and I save details as they are in backstage. Their tops are built with "SPLINE". The magician is done in two pieces with "SPATCH" modeling and is so basic that one has to see it with perspective in order to see a magician walking. The rest of the objects added are directly programmed with "POV-RAY". None of the textures is mine. Most of them are taken from several sources and small changes were applied. Javier Benavent Llin Carcaixent, Valencia, 30-08-2001. Gracias a Laura y Bernardo por la traducci_n. En el lejano mar de la soledad se encuentra el archipi_lago de los colmillos, un pu_ado de islas e islotes est_riles en donde no aflora vida animal ni vegetal alguna, de abruptos acantilados que imposibilitan la navegaci_n al m_s curtido de los marineros. En el centro del archipi_lago, donde las aguas son m_s tranquilas est_ la isla Perpetua y en ella, en el mismo centro, rodeada de impenetrables y abruptas monta_as se alzan soberbias las dos torres de la "Biblioteca de las 7 esferas", lugar de peregrinaje para todo mago que se precie. La escena representa una vista de la isla Perpetua, podemos observar el _nico paso que da acceso a la biblioteca y detr_s de las rocosas monta_as se alzan a lo lejos las dos torres. En un primer plano observamos a un mago del clan Parkas que se dirige al paso, debe de ser un mago de muy alto linaje, s_lo _l sabe como habr_ podido llegar. La isla la componen b_sicamente dos campos elevados superpuestos, uno es un fractal y el otro est_ dibujado a mano alzada (con el rat_n), a ellos les he restado algunas partes para dar una apariencia m_s extra_a si cabe. La construcci_n de las torres es muy b_sica, al estar a lo lejos he ahorrado el detalle. Sus c_pulas est_n construidas con "SPLINE". El mago est_ construido en dos piezas con el modelador "SPATCH" y es tan b_sico que para que tenga apariencia de mago _nicamente puede ser visto en la prespectiva que he utilizado. Los pocos objetos que he a_adido est_n programados directamente con el "POV-RAY". Ninguna de las texturas es m_a, la mayor_a est_n recopiladas de varias fuentes y les he aplicado peque_os cambios.