===== From fmurr@free.fr: Fresh idea. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: Very well done! ===== From delfeld@mailcity.com: I do like the picture. Nice use of symbolism, which justifies the realism. The American word is spelled "triptych". Good work with values and hues in the composition. Nice storyline, also. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: I like the way the three different parts of the story are melded together. The three distinct lighting styles works well. Nice modelling, although the wings looks a little too rigid in the right third of the scene. ===== From peter@table76.demon.co.uk: Very good picture, unusual approach. Minor point: the arches in the middle look Roman; the Greeks did not build arches. ===== From file: This one is great, textures, lighting and modelling, i donīt like the theme so much, itīs more suited for mithology than fantasy. Notable for textures, lighting