TITLE: Castle Juxta NAME: Devon Zachary COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: endlessimagine@hotmail.com TOPIC: Fantasy COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Vue d'Esprit 3 TOOLS USED: Caligari Truespace 3 RENDER TIME: 0h:3m:42s HARDWARE USED: AMD K62 350 32m ram.. (ughhh.... ) IMAGE DESCRIPTION: After a succesful raid on the neighboring "Posit's", ships from the Tech-Castle 'Juxta' return, filled with loot from the day's plunder. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: This is the first image I've ever done with Vue 3 completely from scratch. No presets were used. I first of all spent several hours on the atmosphere (sky) , using twisted and offset cloud materials to fake volumetric clouds with shadows and such. I had varying degree's of success with that... I then set about adjusting the lighting, by having a single terrain object in the center of the frame and adjusting based on that. Add some fog and haze and.... Next came the ships, which (except for the saucers) were made in Truespace. (They're included in the zip) modelling these were fairly simple. The castle, which I had originally planned to build in Truespace, I ultimately built in Vue, because it had to be built 'around' the mountain. Only one side is actually modelled... There are three 'layers' of terrain objects, each with a different texture... The shiny lights on the mountain are simple materials (high ambinet %'s), using altitude dependant mixed materials. E-mail any more questions you might have!