EMAIL: NAME: Frank David TOPIC: Fantasy and Mystic COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Celtic Graveyard COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Blender 1.12 TOOLS USED: Blender, Paint Shop Pro Ver 6 RENDER TIME: 0 hours 5 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium-400 mhz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Celtic graveyard on the side of a church in the foothills of the Green Isle. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The entire scene was modeled and rendered in Blender (scan line render). This is my 3rd submission to the IRTC and my first scene using Blender. The textures were done with Blender's material and texture editors. I used procedural textures and image maps. For the designs on the crosses, bricks on the wall and the grass, I used image maps and "overlaid" some procedural grime, dirt and aging effects with Blender. I used Paint shop pro almost as much as Blender when creating or editing the image maps. (Note the image maps were modified from some royalty free clip art type photos I own on CD). The Spirit was made using the particle system in Blender.