===== From nitro_glis@yahoo.com: nice comp, the textures definatly need some work, but nice idea. ===== From jonathas@ifi.uio.no: I really like the idea here! Is that World war III down the hall? I found it a bit difficult to pick out the alcoves with the bombs, as they have the same marble texture as the columns and lack noticable shadows. ===== From higginsdj@bigpond.com: Some harmony of textures would have been nice ===== From james@imperiumglobal.com: lost poits for using other people's models I'm afraid. Much more work required on texturing and lighting, but sort of an original idea. ===== From philip.chan@home.com: I think you have managed to create the feel of a futuristic war museum. One thing I would have done differently would be to pick one model as a "centerpiece" which would be placed close to the camera, and possibly spend more time on this model so that it was detailled enough for a close-up. ===== From lrwii@joplin.com: Nice for first entry. A texture on the ceiling would help. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: I like the interpretation of topic here. Camera angle works well. The blue-striped wallpaper is a bit distracting. The ceiling looks rather plain in relation to the rest of the scene... a small amount of granite normal could help a lot, I think. Nice scene overall, though. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Good work, Michael! ===== From tm-ray@consistent.org: For the lighting, I think it would help if all of the spotlights you showed actually operated as lights, which they don't currently seem to. Generally, the concept is good, but the picture seems a bit sparse. I'd suggest more items, or more detail in the items (one of which should be closer to the camera). Modelers on Linux - same problem here. There are several up-and-coming solutions which have promise, but at the moment, I just do without. ===== From r@client121041.atl.attbroadband.com: Notable for lighting, modelling, composition