===== From : It took me a while to guess the theme here. I was busy trying to find an odd cell hidden in the bunch. A good alternative you may of wanted to try was having 2 individuals in each cell, while a cell on focus had none. You also may want to add a bit more character to the individuals, and some textures on the cells at least. ===== From MarkNitschke@gmx.de: simple but great. ===== From beighton155@yahoo.com: Very Matrix ===== From jpgargoyle@sapo.pt: A simple idea, but a strong image. Very good. Best regards. ===== From p.olice@free.fr: A good picture. Nice trick to show so many lonely people so close to each other. ===== From dapigg2000@yahoo.com: Good idea, simply put. Good. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Very good idea and interpretation. Lighting would need some work however. ===== From tim.nikias@gmx.de: Very good idea. Nice and smooth image. ===== From rclee@oklahoma.net: Good use of using representations of people without trying to explicitly model people. ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: These guys look pretty dejected. I guess I would be, too. ===== From jamesrskemp@eml.cc: What a cool way to do a person... ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: The pose for the CSG people works very well to convey the idea of sadness/loneliness. I like the lack of colour in this scene. ===== From StephenF@whoever.com: Simple yet effective... the camera angle works well for giving the impression that the scene continues off into infinity. ===== From clem@dhol.org: Good abstract. Simple. Effective. The cookie cutter cells thing has been used a fair bit in recent rounds though.