TITLE: Cold Stone Woman NAME: Phillip Granger COUNTRY: United Kingdom EMAIL: pippy102@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: N/A TOPIC: Loneliness COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: grassysc.jpg RENDERER USED: Blender 3D TOOLS USED: Blender 3D RENDER TIME: 16 seconds HARDWARE USED: athlon 1.7 728MB ram geforce 2 pro 64mb IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The Scene is a Flourished Growing living Scene with Vibrant Long Stemmed Grass Growing Round the old marble Sculpture thats warn over the years. then there leads a old path, Walked By many Artists, that made Sculptures decided to make one in the middle of the path So The sculpture is left, Lonely, representing a Sad nature, the expression on her face is one of sadness and Displeasure, a cold solid white figure with a Robe on, and her hands holding her heart as if shes in deep pain. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First off i heard the competition mentioned in the Mirc , from scottishpig, i then decided to think of how i could represent loneliness in a picture so i looked at a few pictures as inspiration such as michealangelos Sculpture, "David" i looked at the tone and colour also the shape, and structure how it clearly represents a Proper Man. i then looked at a small Sculpture i had at home of a Woman Holding a Baby, i decided to copy this as a model on the computer and try and achieve this topic in the women, i modeled the womens lower part of the robe by creating a Cube and then Subsurfing it round achieving a cloth like look then extruded upwards and carefully step by step extruding and moving out the mesh. after i had made that i Created a base for the sculpture by creating a cube then moving the verticles to the shape of a rectangle then i press w a few times to sub divide it. To create the hand i created a Uvsphere at 5,5 then extruded the 5 faces individually to create the fingers, then extended a wrist by extruding 3 faces from the back of the UV sphere, then i have my two hands and wrists. i then made the top part of the robe Extruding like i did with the 1st lower part of the robe part. then the hardest part to do was the face, the core of the face was a uvsphere i managed to Extrude in and out make smaller and used sub divide quite alot to create the areas for the nose eye sockets and the mouth area. i then extrude what i needed and smooth it out at about subsurf 2-3. when the parts are done i put them together and i then create two uvspheres as eyes to fit into the eye sockets. there we go all done. For the modelling! :D that is, then for the texture i used a cement texture i had got from the internet, and the same cement texture for the path, and i used a Grass texture from the internet for the grass, then i made a plain and subsurfed it then made a blade of grass and kept on extruding till long enough, then kept on duplicating it so there was loads of grass on the scene ( this is not advised on a low spec computer) i did it because i could do it with my Computer, but there are many other simple ways using use of the alpha on Blender by getting a texture with many blades of grass, but thats another story. then i rendered the scene, the proper mesh grass was effective because it gave off shadow on the path.