EMAIL: NAME: Chris Plush TOPIC: Loneliness COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Jakobi Junky COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: Blender 2.23 TOOLS USED: Photoshop for some textures RENDER TIME: 8 minutes i guess HARDWARE USED: 1gh 128 ram nvidia IMAGE DESCRIPTION: he was skecthed out to be a cartoonish loneliness representation.... you know, sort of a "haha hes alone" picture...all thought up while on the can, but when i started the project, it took a turn to depression and reality, though he obviously has no nose =D i dont find humans very fun to make =\ DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: subsurfs in blender, and hours of vertex extrusion and facing =)