===== From rgow@lanset.com: Nice looking residentials. The circles around the lights look odd. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: I liked the look of the scene. The pillars looked interesting but seemed out of place with the top part of the structure. The structure itself was interesting but didn't look like a city to me (it needed more detail - windows, pathways, etc. The horizon is too abrupt. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: This planet lookes like its fluid. There is something missing to give you a clue to what this really is and how big it is. More details are needed on the platforms to hint the scale compared to the inhabitants, human or alien. Also the materials on the platforms, they suggest something relatively small, like itīs made of cardboard. I bet thatīs not what you want. I like the texture on the supporting columns, works just as well in small (iron) or bigger scale (rock). Nice light effects.