TITLE: The Basilica of Fatima NAME: Antoine Valentim COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: bumblebee@globalserve.net WEBPAGE: http://web.globalserve.net/~bumblebee/ecclesia/ecclesia.htm TOPIC: Architecture COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.5 TOOLS USED: The GIMP (making heightfields and image maps), IrfanView and Microsoft Paint (taking measurements on source images, etc.), Wings3d, some of my own software RENDER TIME: 4h 12m 01s HARDWARE USED: Celeron 433 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: In 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to some children in Fatima, Portugal. In honor of this event, construction of a basilica began in 1928 near the spot where the apparitions took place. This building was consecrated by Pope Pius XII in 1954. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: First, I tried to find as many pictures of the basilica as possible. Using these, I took measurements in order to help me produce a somewhat accurate model. I noticed that some parts of the building were "squarish", and some were "rounded". The round parts I modelled in Wings3d. This was actually the first time I used Wings3d; it's quite easy to use once you get used to it. I also used it to make the sculptures of Mary and the angels, although these didn't turn out all that great... The squarish parts I made partly through CSG, and partly through a program I wrote. This program takes the outlines of a building and other data and produces a POV-Ray file containing a series of prisms which make up a building or a part of a building. This program was used to quickly produce the horizontal "layered" architectural details you can see in the basilica. Some of the details were drawn in GIMP and used as image maps. The GIMP was also used to make the height_fields for the reliefs. Anyway, it's not a perfect reproduction of the original basilica, but it's similar in many ways. If you want to see the original building, here's the Fatima website: http://www.santuario-fatima.pt/