===== From rgow@lanset.com: The rules appear to allow this, and the renders are very nice, but combining three images into one IMO detracts from all three, particularly at this size. ===== From raytracing@grayproductions.net: The image is a post-processed composite, which isn't allowed allowed under the rules. Any one of the shots could have made a nice entry though, I think. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: There's a lot of things going on but the images seems to lack an overall feeling. I can't look at it and get an overall idea of the shape of the house, I have to instead look at all the details and from that build up the general idea of what I'm looking at. To my personal taste that means there's something missing from this picture that a more conventinal image would give me. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: I sort of get this image - it took some analyzing. Hard to articulate the problem with this - Perhaps it is the lack of depth in the structures, needed to look more 3D. Attention to lighting would have helped this along with more depth to some of your structures. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: You might want to read the rules for this competition. Post processing in another software than the renderer is prohibited. On the other hand you are welcome to send in as many different submissions as you like. Here we have three renderings in one. I canīt comment on three different as one, I might like one of them but not the other two. Besides, they are far too small to make anything out. See the problem? ===== From chris_hormann@gmx.de: There are nice aspects in all three images but the relation to the topic is not very strong in any of them. I think you should have better focussed on one image. ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: The bottom two panels are done well - the level of detail is good, and the textures work well for the most part. The top panel could use improvement in two places. First the entrance tunnel is too dark - given the level of light one would expect to be able to make something out on the inside. Secondly, the window seemed to me more like a pool at first glance (possibly because nothing can be seen through the window). If it was possible to see something through the window, that would also create a stronger link between the top and middle panels, which I feel would help the image.