TITLE: The mystery of the Father Christmas NAME: Arnaud de la Losa COUNTRY: France EMAIL: delalosa@club-internet.fr WEBPAGE: http \\perso.club-internet.fr\delalosa\home.htm TOPIC: Mystery COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: admyst61.jpg RENDERER USED: MegaPov 1.0 TOOLS USED: MegaPov1.0 editor - Spatch RENDER TIME: about 8 hours HARDWARE USED: P4-1500Mhz 128Mb IMAGE DESCRIPTION: French: Le myst_re du P_re No_l Qui n'a jamais r_v_ de rencontrer le P_re No_l? Personne ne l'a jamais aper_u _ la sortie de la chemin_e, mais cette fois le myst_re sera perc_ gr_ce _ une cam_ra qui va filmer une bonne partie de la nuit. Cette image pr_sente la sc_ne une seconde avant l'instant fatidique: nous sommes le 24 d_cembre _ 11:59:59 pm et on entend d_j_ le p_re No_l descendre par la chemin_e avec sa hotte remplie de cadeaux...! ---------------------------------- English: The mystery of the Father Christmas Who never dreamed to meet the Father Christmas? Nobody has never seen him at the exit of the chimney, but this time the mystery will be penetrated thanks to a cine-camera which will film a large part of the night. This image presents the scene one second before the fateful moment: we are on December, 24th at 11:59:59 pm and one already hears the Father Christmas who comes down the chimney with his basket filled with gifts...! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: French: Cette sc_ne a _t_ en grande partie cr__e au moyen de l'_diteur classique de PovRay. Seuls les chaussures et le fauteuil ont _t_ cr__s avec SPatch. -------------------------- English: This scene was mainly created with the traditional PovRay editor. Only shoes and the armchair have been created with SPatch.