===== From jon@vulpecula.us: Kind of...boring. Interesting idea though... ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Interesting light beams shining through the keyholes. How did you make them bend? ===== From thegreatbambeeno@yahoo.com: boring ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: You donīt explain in you text file how you created this wall and why it took so long. It is difficult to rate a scene when you donīt know how it is made. Interesting form on the bricks. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Very original concept but the result isn't impressive. PB ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: I understand the theme, but it still seems to lack an impacting feeling for me. One thing you may want to clean up are the alias artifacts especially visible on the borders of the light beams. ===== From zio_tom78@hotmail.com: This reminds me of a story. During a drawing lesson, the teacher said: "If somebody asks you to draw one hundred people, simply draw a wall and tell him that those people are behind it". In this case, "If somebody asks you to create a mistery image, simply draw a wall and tell them the concept is behind it". A bit too simple, isn't it? ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: You have include some elements of "mystery" here, but there is not quite = enough interesting content. More variety in the bricks would help. So = would larger holes, where we could almost begin to see through them. ===== From file: I wonder what its like to not have an imagination? Notable for textures ===== From file: Too red!