TITLE: Creation 101 NAME: Virgil T. Crow COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: virgil@virgilcrow.com WEBPAGE: http://www.virgilcrow.com TOPIC: Surrealism COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: creat1lo.jpg RENDERER USED: built in Illustrator and photoshop paint (Adobe) TOOLS USED: built in Illustrator and photoshop paint (Adobe) RENDER TIME: about 3 days to make the original HARDWARE USED: PC athlon 1000, 1000 mgs of ram, duel 22 inch monitors IMAGE DESCRIPTION: CREATION 101 Don't ask me how I know, because I couldn't give you a logical explanation, but there is a multitude of realities that over lap each other with perfect symmetry. I can not see them with my human eyes , rather I feel them with my eternal soul. Everything is conscious and everything is aware, every action has a reaction and everything is sacred. The machine of the universe is alive and we are all a part of the wonderful process. Listen with your heart and see beyond sight and you too will find ultimate energy within everything you experience. Disclaimer : Yes, I have taken great quantities of hallucinogenic drugs. Yes, I am certain that my 'slant' on things has been greatly influenced by my narcotic experiences. However, I have been sober for seven years now and the 'visuals' just keep getting better and better. I would never recommend the use of Theogens to find awareness and yet I would never take back what I have learned from my 'High Times' in the wacky world of inner exploration. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Got an idea_I have the ability to express my ideas_I expressed_It was great fun