===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: It's very dark, and the volumes are not easy to see. I hope you're wrong and that future will be more colourfull. ===== From ingo@freio.de: Hmmmm, do you really think Windows will be the interface of the future? ;) ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Cool. //----------------Paolo Brasolin ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: I looked and looked, strained and squinted. I was intrigued, then confused, then baffled. Stone walls and shadowy lights, blue lasers and computers, baby and monkey? In the end, I gave up. I have no clue. ===== From t.degroot@inter.nl.net: Hmm... Too dark really to get a good idea. Also, only the title gives a hint about what is going on (?) ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: Laser effects are done well, but I think it would have been better to use a light for each laser, as the lighting on the back wall makes it seem as if the laser on the right is giving off any light. The smoke seem a little too clumped to me. ===== From file: what exactly are we looking at? ===== From file: Its a nice image this, and I like the machines in the background. I think it's quite good.