===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: Good idea and realisation. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The atmospheric affects were nice and complimented the water and terrain. I am not sure what to make of the multicolored deer, not sure how that fits in, seemed out of place - it may have helped to make it more naturally colored. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Really cool. I think the only flaw is that the leaves are a bit plain. //----------------Paolo Brasolin ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: Several composition errors mar an otherwise fine image. - objects in the exact corners of the image - main "island" partially obscured by the tree - hag antler blends into tree trunk Setting these aside, the image is pleasing and the concept is thoughtful. Maybe a few too many non-original objects. ===== From t.degroot@inter.nl.net: Good work! Original concept. The floating rock could use some more roughness. I particularly appreciate the coat of the stag (not hag?) misinterpreted. We do the same with dinosaurs!! ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: Good work creating the mood of the scene. I think the rear view of the animal actually works well, as it gives the sense that it is aware of the flying cities. The "ground" for the cities seems too smooth to me. I using a more detailed and higher resolution height field would have looked better.