===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: More explanation could have helped. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept is good and like the vehicles. The buildings and street needed more details. ===== From kernal_the@hotmail.com: It looks like it could be a racing game. I find the height of the hover crafts to be very confusing I can not determine if the two hover are one over the other or one following the other at the same height. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Why do not you expect it to do well? It is nice. //----------------Paolo Brasolin ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: Strange, I could not decide whether the camera is looking upwards or downwards! ===== From t.degroot@inter.nl.net: Your scene does not seem complete. I don't know really what I am looking at. Very grainy too.