===== From exether@demo.xandmail.com: Nice pic. The environment of big Ben could have been improved. ===== From s.tessarin@tin.it: I found the "moon" too big for a Mars landscape IMHO, but the overall image is good. Nice idea, too. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept is good, if I understand it correctly. The building looks great. but it looks like everything is thrown on to a plane and lacks unity between elements. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Very original! And the Big Ben looks really good, even if it is a bit flat in some points. //----------------Paolo Brasolin ===== From glenn@mccarters.net: The unrealistically enormous moons ruined the impact of the image for me. In spite of the pleasant orange color scheme, I thought we were actually on a future Earth, or some other mysterious planet. Smaller moons (or none at all) might have allowed "Mars" to dominate. Nice that you added the figures to reaffirm the sense of scale to the scene. There does seem to be a disparity between the extreme detail of Big Ben and some of the other structures in the scene. ===== From t.degroot@inter.nl.net: This scene has some strange appeal. BB is well rendered, the rest is, as you say yourself, somewhat sketchy. I wonder about the satellites: too big. Try to relate more closely the info board in the foreground to the museum scene. It now floats about. ===== From p_chan@shaw.ca: The modelling for Big Ben is done very well, but the fact that you didn't have much time for the other elements in the image really shows. It would have been great if you had had the chance to put as much detail into the futuristic architecture as you did for Big Ben. I think the image could also be improved if the cloud patterns in the sky were a bit more distinct. ===== From file: Notable for modelling