===== From shevlin@uic.edu: It's difficult to judge the scene with no information on what it's about or how it was made. ===== From helene.dumur@free.fr: Please... a little bit of explanation... ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice looking image. The modeling was quite good. The overall look and feel created by the mist and choice of colors was the strong point of this image. Perhaps having a gate opening instead of an open door would have helped with communicating the intent. ===== From rgow@lanset.com: Good job on the horse! There are a lot of conflicting shadows that make it difficult to tell where the lighting is at. Maybe making some of the lights shadowless... ===== From simplepsy@aol.com: not much info on this... cant give much comment. Materials are a little bland. Good overall idea and modeling. ===== From the_dark_allies@hotmail.com: Nice work, but where is the info? ===== From skirsch@comcast.net: The horse is too cute for what would have been carved. Some good techniques but the composition is questionable. ===== From file: Notable for lighting, composition ===== From file: The models are really good. But, are they self-made? Well-balanced. Notable for composition