===== From skipt1@aol.com: Not bad conceptually. How about a higher resolution rendering? The water looks a little weird so green. ===== From fcueto@rice.edu: The image is too small and I can't see very well the connection to the topic. ===== From povray@doublezero.uklinux.net: With such a small image it is hard to make out what is going on. The lighting is quite nice but the stuff on the seabed looks a bit flat. ===== From corvus@onewhiteraven.com: shame the image is so little ===== From shevlin@uic.edu: The image is too small. What does this have to do with the topic? ===== From ingo@freio.de: The image is a little bit too small. Hard to figure out the details. ===== From kschwartz@earthlink.net: Would probably look better if the picture was bigger. ===== From pbrasolin@yahoo.it: Nice image, but I feel a lack of depth: maybe adding some groups of fishes or exotic animals could improve it. //Paolo Brasolin ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: You donīt mention which renderer you are using so I have to assume this is rendered in Carrara. There seem to be many very interesting elements in this image, and the lighting is great. But the image is way too small so you canīt really see all these interesting details. Also the interpretation of the topic is vague. ===== From renebui@aol.com: This image is too small. ===== From phenlikescheese@hotmail.com: Er... no comment. :o) ===== From 25ct@lineone.net: Bigger image would have been nice... ===== From sshelby@shelbyvision.com: Good underwater effect. ===== From jacoons@ameritech.net: I like this idea, plus the green "underwater" look is very good. ===== From file: Notable for lighting