===== From skipt1@aol.com: The monolith makes a nice topic for the round. I like the colors and they add artistically to the image. The media clouds and and grass are really well done. One thing that would improve this image is the texture of the monolith itself, but otherwise nicely done. ===== From povray@doublezero.uklinux.net: You seem to have mastered some good techniques for this picture, but the composition is a bit boring. Despite your worry about the media on the right, I think it looks quite nice as it is. Perhaps next time you can think of something more visually exciting, but your technical skill is not a problem. ===== From corvus@onewhiteraven.com: excellent sky - the rock needs more colour and texture variation to be realistic ===== From shevlin@uic.edu: Nice concept, and a good realization of it. You may want to try using meshes for grass in the future, as they render faster and can be duplicated with little memory overhead. The scene could also use something in the foreground to provide a reference of the scale of the monolith. ===== From hildurka@simnet.is: This image looks a little bit empty. There could be more variation with trees, rock or different colored grass. I find it a little bit too simple for my taste. The clouds look very good except for the artefacts but you already mentioned that. ===== From renebui@aol.com: This monolith is more impressive when we see it from far. ===== From sshelby@shelbyvision.com: Although the concept is a good one, the image does not really project the feeling of epic proportions. ===== From jacoons@ameritech.net: The topic is good, the grass is good and the sky is good, but I would have had some realistic textures on the rock. The problem I had on my first entry is that I spent way too much time on the background and sky, but not enough time on the "important" things that dealt with the theme.